Regulatory Disclosures


Oakglen Wealth Limited (“Oakglen”, “We”, “Us”, “Our”) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN: 961763). Its business address is 30 Golden Square, London, W1F 9LD, United Kingdom. Oakglen forms part of the Oakglen Group.


Important Information‍

The material contained on this website is for information only and does not constitute financial or any other advice. Such information is in general terms and specific advice should be obtained in respect of any particular matter. It should be noted that the products, services, information and/or materials contained within these web pages may not be available for residents of certain jurisdictions. Please consult the sales restrictions relating to the products or services in question for further information. Investing carries risk and means that your capital is at risk and that there is no certainty that you will receive your capital back or that a positive return on your investment will be made. Past performance is no guide to future performance. There is no guarantee that the tax efficient nature of any investment will remain. Oakglen, its related entities and the contributors to this site cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from reliance on anything contained in this site or in any site linked to it.


Terms & Conditions‍

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Oakglen has tried to ensure that the contents and information it provides on its site is accurate at the time of posting. Unfortunately, it cannot guarantee the accuracy of contents or information contained in its pages and any person using information contained in them does so entirely at their own risk. Oakglen reserves the right to make changes without notice.

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All text, images and other content on this site is copyright of Oakglen unless explicitly stated otherwise. It may only be downloaded or copied without first obtaining permission for personal, non-commercial use. If you wish to reproduce site content in any other way, or for any other purpose, you must first contact Oakglen for permission.


Oakglen may have links to other websites. Oakglen is not responsible for the contents, nor does it warrant the accuracy or reliability of any linked website. Oakglen, to the extent permissible by law, excludes all liability which may arise from your use or reliance on the information or contents contained in the linked website.

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Where Oakglen uses Social Media (“LinkedIn”) the information published by Oakglen on LinkedIn should be used for information purposes only. Information outlined on this website shall also apply to LinkedIn. None of the information contained on the Oakglen LinkedIn webpage constitutes a solicitation or an offer by us for the purchase or sale of any security or other financial instrument. Any content, views, opinions or responses to questions expressed, published on or transmitted via the LinkedIn webpage (“Content”) by anyone other than Oakglen are solely those of the person providing them and are independent of the views and opinions of Oakglen. Oakglen is not liable for any third party generated Content on the LinkedIn webpage or the content of or information available on any website referred or linked to or otherwise appearing on the LinkedIn webpage, whether or not they are published by Oakglen. Oakglen is not affiliated with LinkedIn and is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the LinkedIn service.


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Although care is taken to check and test material at all stages of production, Oakglen cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, disruption or damage to your data or your computer system which may occur whilst using material derived from this site.

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Risk Warnings

The material on this site is for information purposes only. It provides general details on some of the risks that may be present when investing in financial instruments. You should take time to fully understand the characteristics of such investments and the potential associated risks.

Understanding Risk

All forms of investment involve risk. The price and value of investments and any income that might accrue can fall or rise or fluctuate. You may not get back the amount of your original investment. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. Changes in exchange rates or taxation may have a detrimental effect on the price, value or income of the investments. You should be mindful that investment returns may be affected by charges levied. The effect of inflation may also reduce the value of investments. Some of the other risks that you should consider when investing in financial instruments include:

Concentration risk: The risk that there is an insufficient level of diversification in a portfolio, with the investor disproportionately exposed to one or a limited number of investments, asset classes or market sectors.

Counterparty risk: The risk that a party connected to an investment or transaction is unable to meet its commitment.

Credit risk: The risk of an issuer defaulting on an interest payment and/or being unable to repay the principal investment or financial gain.

Equity risk: The risk that the value of equity becomes worthless as the company becomes insolvent.

Liquidity risk: Risk arising from the inability to buy or sell an investment swiftly enough to prevent or minimise capital loss.

Market risk: The risk that the value of an individual investment or portfolio will fall as a result of factors affecting the overall performance of the markets.

The above descriptions do not constitute a definitive list of all the risks associated when investing in financial instruments.

It has come to our attention that certain individuals are falsely claiming to represent Oakglen Wealth Limited, using identity to falsely obtain goods or services from third parties. These fraudsters may be soliciting credit or other financial transactions under our name. We advise that any request for credit or advance payment of goods or services made on behalf of Oakglen Wealth Limited be treated with suspicion unless confirmed directly through the official contact details provided on this website. We strongly encourage you to contact us immediately if you are approached with any such requests. Oakglen Wealth Limited fully rejects any liability for losses, damages, or fraudulent activity that may arise from interactions with fraudsters.